Has the Cloud question hit your business till now? If yes, then you might’ve already pondered a lot about the pros and cons of moving your business to the cloud. There are many ways to do this and there are many outfits like Dolphin 24×7 who can help you with migrating to the cloud. The drill is simple but it is the decision that weighs in as tough! While the optimized cost may play as your biggest case when considering migration, control and security issues would tell you to hold back. Read on to find out how SMEs are considering this question in 2024.

Every business around the globe, no matter what size, relies on its IT infrastructure to support its operations. In most cases, the associated costs quickly spiral up and inflate beyond what most small businesses can afford. Cloud migration is like a ray of light for SMEs who find themselves stuck in the rut of infrastructure costs. But is Cloud the next best decision for your small business? Well, to answer that you have to consider pros and cons on a subjective level. Here’s our post breaking it down for you. If you’d rather cut to the chase, then read the verdict right here.

Top 3 Reasons To Migrate


Invariably, the top reason for moving to the cloud is the bundled cost optimization. Given that moving to the cloud can help your organization operate at the same capacity while effectively reducing the cost incurred; the decision of moving to the cloud sounds like a no-brainer. Cost savings coupled with smooth operations can be crucial for a small business’ growth. The money you’d generally be spending on hardware, software, and labor can now be put to use in another crucial area of the business – Digital Marketing perhaps? Although it may seem that the costs of the Cloud will inflate as you grow, the bottom-line here is that you only pay for what you use and this is where your decision to migrate truly shines through. While you may incur initial costs of making the shift, engaging in the learning curve, and getting used to a newer way of operations, these ingeniously balance out by eliminating the overhead costs associated with owning and operating hardware.


Scalability is imperative for any infrastructure investment made by SMEs especially. For a small business, scalability could mean keeping a lot of worries at bay. Moving to the cloud is a sure shot way to ensure scalability.

Adding new servers, data storage, newer partitions, increasing computational power is as easy as a few button clicks!
Now your infrastructure can grow with your business, and that too without having to heavily rely on a technically dexterous in-house IT team.
Running a small business is like riding a sine wave and cloud helps you keep up with the peaks and lows. It allows you to scale up or scale down as necessary and save costs with the pay-as-you-use model.

Anywhere, Anytime Access

The flexibility in accessing your cloud setup is unparalleled to any on-premise installation. This is pure ease-of-use and mobility, which by far are the two biggest driving factors for SMEs in today’s market! Your mobility defines the growth of your business and cloud can bring that to the table.
Top 3 drawbacks

  • Most healthcare and financial outfits steer away from migrating to the cloud for the sole reason that their data would sit in the hands of a third-party. Certain business processes and compliance regulations force these organizations to keep the cloud decision at bay.
  • Organizations that rely on the cloud have reported their share of issues which entail congestion, downtime’s, and reliability. Any organization with a high need for availability invariably decides against Cloud. But there is a certain breathing space that hybrid cloud setups can offer to such companies.
  • Backups with cloud providers have proven unreliable. Organizations relying on Cloud need to do due diligence and take adequate backups to ensure business continuity.

The Verdict

When it comes to SMEs the rewards far outweigh the risks!

Weigh the rewards vs. risks and if you’re undecided, take help from experts at Dolphin24x7. You could choose a hybrid installation if you have control issues (pun intended). The associated cost savings and scalability options are a definite feather in the cap for any small business.

Why Dolphin24x7

Dolphin24x7 has a proven track record of performing flawless Cloud services for clients all over the globe. Remote Infrastructure Management is at the core of our business and we do it beyond perfection. Our always available team helps you smoothly transition to cloud and even provides adequate hand holding to help flatten out the learning curve.

Call us at +1-516-717-2049 or email us at info@velaninfo.com for instant IT support!